Check your website cookies and tracking code.

When you purchase a website privacy check report, you are purchasing a credit to run a report once. This report checks the cookies and tracking codes on your website. You can use this report to correctly configure a cookie management solution, adding manual entries for cookies as needed, or you can use it to discuss a website tune-up with your developer. You are welcome to contact us for help with website privacy, tracking, and cookie compliance, too. If you’d like to see all the services we offer to help you with your website privacy and data protection compliance, please see our Website Compliance page.

Sample Report

Want to see what you get? Download a sample report here.

The software is particularly effective at identifying tracking beacons and the location of their code on a website. The information in the report should be used to check that your cookie management solution is identifying the correct cookies and then after that for you to correctly configure your cookie and code management solutions. This will ensure the correct consents are obtained before the tracking technology is downloaded onto the user’s device and keep you out of trouble!

Submit Your URL

Please insert your website URL into the block for checking. Then, press submit, and wait a few minutes for the status to refresh. Once the report has run, you will be able to download the PDF report for your records. Note: this will only work if you are logged in, and have sufficient credits to run the report.

Credits Remaining:

Your Reports:


ProPrivacy | GDPR Privacy Cyber Security in Cork, Ireland