
Stay up to date with ProPrivacy. Ensure your business practices are compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable legislation. The ProPrivacy team shares its expertise, insights, and experiences, from the coalface of data protection, data compliance, and cyber security.

Please note that these resources do not constitute legal advice and are not a substitute for such. We welcome interaction and data related enquiries from all businesses. Please feel free to share this information with your compliance, security, privacy or data protection officer.

We’re on a GDPR mission with Andrea Manning

We’re on a GDPR mission with Andrea Manning

Today on The GDPR Series podcast, our focus is bringing the GDPR back down to earth. I chat with a rare woman in cyber (and data) who presents her GDPR message to businesses through the lens of real life cyber security issues.

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The (Undiscovered) LinkedIn Data Protection and Privacy Champion with Louise Bunyan of SmartFox

The (Undiscovered) LinkedIn Data Protection and Privacy Champion with Louise Bunyan of SmartFox

Today on The GDPR Series podcast, we have a bit of a different guest. My challenge to digital marketing consultant and LinkedIn trainer, Louise Bunyan of SmartFox, was to join me in discussing data protection even though she kept insisting it wasn’t really in her sphere of influence, so to speak.

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GDPR, Children’s Data and Moving from Paper to Digital with Steph McSherry of Kinderama

GDPR, Children’s Data and Moving from Paper to Digital with Steph McSherry of Kinderama

Today on The GDPR Series podcast, our focus is straight business talk, children’s data and moving from paper to digital!  I chat with a creative business owner who deals with most of her data protection compliance tasks herself.  Besides helping me translate data protection compliance language into plain speak,  she shares with us how to just get on and do what needs doing.  This business owner writes her own policies and does her own vendor risk assessments!  Listen to find out more.

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ProPrivacy | GDPR Privacy Cyber Security in Cork, Ireland